4 Helpful Apps for College Students

When you go off to college, you will need to make sure that you prepare a lot of things. Not only do you want to make sure your dorm is set up for living and studying in, you also want to have a number of supplies that will make note taking, studying and calculating much easier. Calculating is not only important when you are taking prerequisite math courses – you will also need to calculate your budget. In college, your budget is something that you will need to keep a very close eye on. If you are on a strict budget, you don’t want to go over a certain limit. Because of all these reasons, you want to not only bring physical supplies with you, you also want to stock your smart phone or tablet with various applications. Just like you want a calculator on your desk, you also want an advanced calculator and fiscal organizer on your phone. Without these things, your life as a college student will be far less convenient and efficient. Here are four helpful apps for students.

  1. Mint

When it comes to calculating your finances, it can be hard to keep tabs in a single notebook. Ideally, you want to keep all this information in one safe place, and you want to have categories. With Mint, you can enter in all of your financial information and categories will be created for you. Out of all the apps for college students, Mint is by far the most helpful, because it will keep you in check and save you from potentially going broke.

  1. Graphing Calculator

If you don’t want to purchase a really expensive advanced calculator, you’ll want to download the Graphing Calculator app. During your first year of college, you will be required to take a few math courses to fulfill the requirements of your degree. This is the case if you are going to University of Cincinnati or even Georgia State University. With the Graphing Calculator app, you can do everything from basic arithmetic to advanced graphing, which is really what this app is for. The great thing about this app is that you can take screenshots, so that you can show your work on assignments.

4 Helpful Apps for College Students

  1. Wikipanion

If you want to make researching so much easier, you definitely want to download Wikipanion. This app makes finding sources such a breeze. If you are tired of searching through a mountain of information to find sources, you’ll start to rely on this application. When you fire up the app, you can search through millions of sources to find exactly what you need. If you can’t find something specific, it will give you tips or suggestions on what to search for.

  1. EasyBib

When it comes to paper writing, it can be quite difficult to have to track down all of your sources and then turn them into a bibliography. This is especially difficult after you wrote a 30-page paper. In the end, EasyBib allows you the opportunity to keep track of all of your sources and it will automatically create a bibliography for you.

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