How to stop chrome from blocking downloads

How to stop chrome from blocking downloads?

Google Chrome is a browser with many useful features. Unfortunately one of these features is not to allow the user to download files from the internet directly. If you try using this feature, there will be an error message saying “To prevent malicious downloads, Google Chrome has blocked access to file <download_path>. To keep your computer safe, Google Chrome will not allow you to access this file.”

In the article above there are instructions on how to stop chrome from blocking downloads.

How to stop chrome from blocking downloads?

How to stop chrome from blocking downloads

Step 1: Open Google Chrome and go to Settings.

Step 2: Under “Show advanced settings” click on the button that says “Change proxy settings” (Located in Network section)

Step 3: In the pop up window, under “Proxy servers”, select “LAN Settings”.

Step 4: Un-check the box that says “Use a proxy server for your LAN”.

Step 5: That’s it. Close settings window and try downloading files from Google Chrome again. You will no longer have to deal with blocked download messages.

The steps above are what you need in order to stop chrome from blocking downloads. One thing I would like to add is that you should also make sure the website you are downloading files from is not a fraudulent one. If it is, then that could be why chrome was blocking your download.

Why chrome is blocking downloads?

Many websites are blocked by chrome. One example is thepiratebay. This website is used to download torrent files, which are usually very large files, which could be dangerous or harmful to your computer if downloaded.

There are many reasons why Google Chrome blocks downloads. But you can always fix this using the steps above! How to stop chrome from blocking downloads? You can also check out this website to find more ways on how to stop chrome from blocking downloads. It is a very effective method!

Conclusion: Now you know how to fix Google Chrome from blocking access to file “download_path”. This step will help prevent malicious downloads and keep your computer safe. No more blocked download messages.

Good luck! This is the end of this article. Thank you for reading. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to comment on the box below! I will get back to you as soon as possible!