When parents are looking for a school for their children, they will want to get as much information as they possibly can on the various schools that they are considering, in order to help them to make an informed choice.
As well as being beneficial for the child and their happiness at the school, it is also important for the school itself, as it means that children who will be well suited to the school will thrive there.
Getting a prospectus made by a professional like this school prospectus design company https://www.fsedesign.co.uk/school-prospectus-design/ is essential, and you also need to make sure that your prospectus has all the right information in it, as well as being engaging.
As well as being for parents, children may also want to look at the prospectus too. Many schools will include pictures in their prospectuses that show what life at the school is like, as well as comments from students who currently attend the school. This is a great way to engage with the children too and help them feel part of this big decision.
Make sure that you include all of the things that the school does well. This helps to ensure that the parents make the right choice and that their child is a good fit for the school. For example, if the school runs particular clubs, has certain opportunities, and also what support the school offers to children and parents.