Making a Plan to Move to Greece

With unpredictable and often wet and chilly summers, the UK is not the most appealing place to live! If you have had enough of the bad weather and want to live somewhere with plenty of sunshine, but is not too far away from the UK, then moving to Greece could be your answer!

Greece citizenship by investment programs like this are well worth looking into if you want to move over there, and there are lots of reasons why you would! As with any move however, it is important to do your research – after all, living somewhere is not like being there on holiday, so take your time to make this big decision so that you can be sure it is something that you will be happy with.

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There are lots of positive reasons to move to Greece. The Mediterranean diet in addition to the sunshine promotes good health, and a more active outdoor lifestyle. The work/life balance is also better in Greece overall, so if you are fed up with working long hours, then Greece could also offer you a better lifestyle when it comes to work.

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Greece is a big country, and deciding where to live is something that you should do first. Lifestyle on the mainland can differ to the islands, so look into the places that you think you will like and visit them even in the winter when they are not in tourist season, as this will give you a better idea of what to expect all year round.