Google Maps

Google Maps improves support for Assistant in its latest version

Maps is one of the most used products of Google and also one of the most news receives. Recently, the map app par excellence has welcomed news such as hashtags in reviews, night mode or the possibility to follow business.

The latest news that comes to Google Maps has to do with the Google assistant and is focused on making it less intrusive and we can do more with the voice without having to leave the application. Keep reading

More voice commands without leaving Maps

Google Maps

The integration of the assistant in Google Maps is not new. So far we could use voice during a route to perform different actions, but the new version has been enhanced integration so que the wizard is less intrusive and does not lead us out of the app.

At the visual level, the main change is that the microphone icon is colored, while when listening to us, a bar appears at the bottom. At the level of functions is where there are more news because now we can do some actions without leaving the app, for example put music or send messages. In previous versions, although Maps does not close, it does take us to another app, leaving the first in PIP mode.

Changes are coming gradually in version 10.4.1 of Google Maps. We recently learned that Google was testing the sending of alerts within the app, but for the moment this option has not been activated.