Tag Archives: Windows

Photo edit applications

Nine almost indispensable applications to work with your photos in Windows

When it comes time to work with our pictures on the computer or our phone or tablet is often raised the question What application can I use? And it is that the catalog of options is almost incapable, with options for all tastes and styles. Each one has their preferences according to their needs, but at the time of establishing a list yes we could list the most popular ones. This is the purpose of this guide. To make known what can be the seven…

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Windows and Linux

If you want to play, Windows offers more performance than Linux

Those who support the virtues of free software must also assume its shortcomings: there are areas where the advantages of other platforms are obvious, and one of them is the video game. Although Steam catalog native games for Linux continues to grow, its quality and performance offered against versions for Windows is clearly lower. Evidenced by the latest in – depth analysis they have done in Phoronix, where for years its suite of multiplatform test compares the performance of these operating systems efficiently. The findings…

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