
Telegram is updated in Windows for PC with a new design and support for themes

When we refer to messaging applications is always WhatsApp the application that comes to mind … at least at first. And if you think about it, the app that really interesting new features to this scenario is Telegram. it is rare that it is not the most used application.

For the advantages among which especially being multi-platform and have desktop applications so that we can use on our desktops. This way we gain time in our chores and we do not have to leave the keyboard to respond.

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We Telegram for Mac OS and Windows and is in the operating system in which Microsoft is just updated to version 1.0 with a handful of new features. This is the first stable version of the messaging application for Windows on PC and we will know what you can offer us.

In this version, we will find input a new design that can be clearly seen in the foundation inspiration that brought Material Design Android and using more vivid and planes with more colors maintained animations.

Also important support for themes and can even create custom themes and share them with the community. To be able to change the subject also ensure that we do not have to perform complicated steps so that anyone can customize your desktop. These are the changes that we find in 1.0 Telegram…

You may also like to read another article on FreshLookApp: How to delete Telegram messages for the sender and receiver

  • Style Material Design with new animations
  • Support for themes
  • Tools for creating themes
  • Ability to delete your messages for everyone in the same chat. This only works for recently sent messages
  • You can anchor important chats at the top of the list to make them accessible
  • Groups in common

The client Telegram for Windows PC (as well as other platforms) can be downloaded from the website. If you have already downloaded it you can tell us your impressions about it, both with regard to the renewed design as in the operation.