5 Common Causes of Van Breakdowns

Van breakdowns can be frustrating and disruptive. Understanding the common causes can help you prevent them before they become bigger problems. Here are five of the most frequent reasons vans break down.

1. Clutch Cable Failure

In manual vehicles, the clutch cable wears out over time due to constant use when changing gears. If your clutch feels stiffer than usual or difficult to press, it could indicate a problem. If the cable snaps while driving, you’ll be stranded and unable to shift gears.

2. Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Blockages

Diesel vans come with diesel particulate filters (DPF) that trap soot and reduce emissions. However, if your van mainly makes short trips, the filter can become blocked.

Taking your van for a long motorway run now and then helps clear the filter, preventing expensive repairs. If you’re considering used vans for sale Worcester, it’s wise to check the DPF condition before purchase.

3. Misfuelling

Putting the wrong fuel in your van is a common mistake. If you put petrol in a diesel van or vice versa, do not start the engine. If caught early, the fuel can be drained before any damage is done. The RAC offers some handy advice on misfuelling.

Driving after misfuelling can cause serious engine problems, requiring costly repairs. If you need to replace the van completely, used van experts like cotswoldvancentre.co.uk/buy/used-vans-for-sale/worcester/ can help
4. Overheating

Overheating is often caused by low coolant levels, which may be due to a leak or a faulty radiator. If your temperature gauge rises or a warning light comes on, stop driving immediately to prevent engine damage. Regular checks on your van’s cooling system can help avoid breakdowns.

5. Starter motor problems

Starter motors can wear out, especially in vans with stop/start technology. If your battery is fine but the engine won’t turn over, the starter motor may be the issue. Regular servicing can detect early signs of a starter motor problem, helping to avoid being stranded.

By staying alert to these common issues, you can keep your van in good condition and avoid unexpected breakdowns.

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