Facebook Stories

Facebook Stories: What are and how Facebook ephemeral stories work?

The ephemeral messaging, that allows us to contact with other people with messages that disappear within a specific deadline, is not something for nothing recent. The best-known mobile application that bets all this way to establish contact without any doubt is Snapchat, but seen its success other important apps have decided to imitate it.

First, it was Instagram that decided to take the step of allowing its users to share their experiences through Stories, images and videos accessible for 24 hours, and Facebook, which had already tried in the past with Poke, enters the war of stories which die to the one day. Let’s get to know Facebook Stories, the latest social network.

What are Facebook Stories?

Snapchat, Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories are basically the same, messages in images or video accessible to all our followers or friends for 24 hours, or until its creator eliminates them. Accessing the Facebook application, the stories are in first position, being able to see all the stories that our friends have shared.

Facebook Stories
Image Source: Google Image

What do I need to be able to create my stories?

First of all is that to be able to create and access Stories is necessary to have the latest version of the application of Facebook, 80.0 in the case of iOS and in the case of Android. With update may not be enough, as the arrival of Stories is being produced by countries and users, so if you do not appear you only have patience. You will notice that you have the Stories enabled when the app gives you the option to create your first story, at the top of the screen.

How do I create a story?

The task of creating a story is very simple. If it is the first story that you are going to create you can click on the “Your story” button and you will accede to a small tutorial. If you already have a story already created and published, you can create a new story by clicking on the camera icon in the upper left corner of the application or by sliding the screen to the right from the main menu.

With that gesture, you will activate the camera of your mobile and we will have two options: to create a history with a photo or with a video. But before taking the photo or video we can explore a multitude of filters or effects. On the left, we can see nine points, each representing a different effect, although it is much more comfortable to click on the star that we have down to the left to open a carousel with all the effects available.

The effects and filters range from the simple changes of colors or compositions to effects and masks that can adorn our face, even with movement for videos, as MSQRD offers. The variety is quite broad (although hopefully it will expand over time) and for the masks we only have to point to a face and around us will appear our choice.

Facebook Stories
Image Source: Google Image

We already have effect or mascara chosen (we cannot use any) and the next step is to take the picture or record the video. The task is also very simple since it is enough with a simple press on the circular button to take the photo and a press of the time that we want to record for the videos. Work finished? No, we still have more editing possibilities.

You may also like to read another article on freshlookapp: Facebook is testing Facebook Stories also in its main application

Among the editing options we have after taking the photo or video are the possibility to draw with a brush freely with a color of the palette that we will have at the bottom of the screen, add a text anywhere or again add an effect. And before heading to the publishing screen of our story we can also save the photo or video on our mobile.

Once the photo is taken, we can draw on it, add new effects or text and save it in our mobile. Once the edition is complete, the last step is to choose how we share our story. Well we can choose to share it with all our friends for 24 hours (we can delete it sooner if we want) or we can send it to one or more friends through private.

At the time of publishing the story we can choose to be visible to all our friends or send it by private to certain contacts.

Facebook Stories
Image Source: Google Image

Can I see who has seen my stories?

While we see our own stories we can see the reactions of our friends, see how many and who have seen them and we can delete and save the photo or video.

Once we have published our story we can see how many times we want to click from the main menu in “Your story”. But in addition to being able to see it again, this option will also allow us to see the success harvested with it, since in the lower left we will see a counter of reproductions, which also chiva the specific names of friends who have reproduced our history if we click.

In addition to seeing who has accessed our stories, they are also the subject of reactions, the same that can be used in publications to use Facebook. These reactions will appear in our stories when we reproduce them.

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