Thought it would be a fun exercise to create a list of the activities that a marketer should engage in if they want to be able to identify digital marketing opportunities.
- Listen to online radio via Pandora (experience a radio station that learns and improves as you listen)
- Watch online TV on (experience a different TV watching experience)
- Add Facebook apps to your profile page (see how it seamlessly integrates a 3rd-party experience)
- Buy an mp3 player and sync it to your music collection (see the benefits of digitizing your music collection)
- Start a blog and post frequently (experience how easy it is to publish and share your own content)
- Start a Facebook page (experience the benefits of social network of your friends)
- Start a LinkedIn Page (experience the benefits of a professional social network)
- Start a Twitter profile (experience the benefits of sharing brief updates with people with similar interests)
- Buy a smartphone (experience the power of having a mini-computer with you from wake-up to bedtime)
- Use a smartphone application (experience the power of getting relevant information when you need it)
- Create an online photo album (experience how easily you can share photos with others)
- Use content sharing tools, such as Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon, etc. (see how easy it is to share favorite content)
- Use Facebook Connect to log on to a site, where available (see how easy Facebook makes it carry info from site to site)
- Laugh and point at people who still use MySpace (and consider making fun of people with AOL and Hotmail accounts)
- Shop eBay (experience how consumers benefit from online auction sales)
- Shop Amazon (experience their amazing user interface that learns about you as you shop)
- Shop iTunes (experience the new expansive world of easy-to-access entertainment)
>More Advanced
- Install a widget on your computer that provides frequent informational updates (shopping, weather, sports, etc.)
- Install Google Analytics on your blog to learn more about your readers
- Create a video and post on Youtube
- Create a Facebook or LinkedIn Group and recruit members
- Start a Facebook ad campaign and set it to only charge by the click
- Automatically feed info from one social network to another (blog to FB/LI, Twitter to blog, etc.)
- Sell something on eBay
- Purchase something using your mobile phone
- Post something to a social network using your mobile phone
Author bio: Leo Doss, general manager of
Leo works as a manager for one of the best companies of custom car pars. He provides such goods as the interior and exterior custom accessories, automotive lighting and auto body parts. He tries to position herself as a thought leader in the car world.