5 Must-Have Apps for College Students

Productivity is essential, especially with the busy schedule of a college student. There are countless smartphone apps that can help you along. If you’re one of the nearly three-quarters of all college students with a smartphone (according to a 2013 Pearson report), then you can manage your schedule, study routine, and note-taking. There are literally hundreds of college apps to choose from. Here are five that you absolutely should have to make college life easier. 1. Google Drive Free and cloud-based, this app allows you…

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Gboard Beta

Gboard Beta adds Google translator directly on the keyboard

Yesterday we heard about the new public beta of Gboard and Google Play Services and today we have the first fruits of it: the version 6.1 of the Google keyboard that includes translation of text on the keyboard and a new selector of topics. If you want to try some magic on your Android, sign up for the Gboard beta and try the new text translation. Instead of writing a text, translating it and then pasting it, the translation happens as you type, in real…

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Six uses of Telegram beyond talking to your friends

Telegram is one of the best messaging applications available today. It has its defenders and detractors, although it seems that something is agreed on something: technically it is well, being the biggest snag that not everyone uses it. Little can be done about it, although the truth is that Telegram can also be useful for many more things besides talking to your friends. Perhaps it does not reach the height of Allo, which I baptized as the best messaging application to speak alone, but it…

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Make screenshots of a whole chat conversation with LongScreenshot

For one reason or another, we’ve all met on one occasion taking repeated screenshots of one conversation and then passing them on to the other person. If the conversation is very long, the task is hell for you, the captor, and the poor person in charge of reading the result. Luckily, there is an application for it. Its name is LongScreenshot and allows you to do just that, vertical screenshots that automatically join together creating a single, elongated image, easier to share and read. You…

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Top Reasons To Choose A Responsive Web Design For A Better SEO Advantage

With the advent of mobile technologies, it has become mandatory for business owners to have their own official mobile website in addition to their usual website. While there is nothing wrong with a mobile website, you must contemplate a stronger option if SEO is your main concern. You need to create a website that is not just mobile-friendly but also SEO friendly and sometimes, people may deem this as a daunting task. However, an easy and quick solution to this is the use of responsive…

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coloring apps

Nine coloring apps for adults

To this day, on an Android device can do almost anything for which we had to spend paper. We can read a book, we can make the list of the purchase, write the ideas that we go through the head for the future best-seller (or failure), and even color without spending our precious paintings. A task that has always seemed suitable for the youngest of the house has also proved to be a relaxing activity for adults. I have to admit that it pisses me…

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Photo edit applications

Nine almost indispensable applications to work with your photos in Windows

When it comes time to work with our pictures on the computer or our phone or tablet is often raised the question What application can I use? And it is that the catalog of options is almost incapable, with options for all tastes and styles. Each one has their preferences according to their needs, but at the time of establishing a list yes we could list the most popular ones. This is the purpose of this guide. To make known what can be the seven…

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Why you should not install RAM and battery optimizers on your Android?

Not long ago, a friend asked me why his OnePlus X was going extremely slow and with a lag considerably. Just watch your device, I noticed how the ROM installed, after asking a popular Chinese website, brought a considerable amount of applications pre-installed. Three of them had been the trigger to slow your phone: 360 Security, Clean Master and Doctor Battery. In addition to these, the Google Play Store is home to a multitude of applications focused on the same, to reduce RAM consumption and…

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Backup Android

Backing up your data on Android

Our smartphones store very important things about us under that adorable chassis they have. They can contain our contacts closest (and far), very nice or very private photos, our progress in a game, and even some files that can be critical at some point. All that I have mentioned and more, if not for the blessed backups you could get lost in the moment to renew our phone or suffers a terrible accident. There are multiple ways to save our data, and we are going…

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Kodi 17.0

Kodi 17.0 already available for Android 5.0 or higher, new interface and more supported audio systems

The popular open source media player Kodi (formerly XBMC) this week received a major update. It has been officially updated to version v17.0 “Krypton” presenting three important new features in its version for Android devices. The first most important novelty of Kodi 17.0 “Krypton” is that now requires Android 5.0 or higher, Previous versions required as minimum version Android 4.2, so these devices can not enjoy the new version.

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