Facebook Lite

Facebook presents Messenger Lite, the light version of its messaging application

Facebook launched a light version of the implementation of its social network now see as does the same with your messaging application.

Facebook Messenger Lite is the new lightweight version of its messaging service that takes up less than 10MB against the hundreds of megs which occupies the full version. So we have a basic version that allows us to send and receive pictures, links , and emoji, and only receive stickers.

Facebook Lite
Image Source: Google Image

Messenger Lite is optimized both interface and features to work properly on slow connections and older devices. Basically Facebook Messenger Lite is Facebook chat Lite, which may chat Facebook Lite disappear in the future to use force Lite Messenger as happened a few months ago with older versions.

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Facebook Messenger Lite moment is announced for emerging markets, and in the first countries where it will be in Kenya, Tunisia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela. Over the next few months will come in more countries and probably worldwide as happened with Facebook Lite.