A Media Wall is a Good Idea

If your main goal for the room is to watch TV or play games, then building a media-wall can be an excellent choice. Instead of hiding your tech, embrace its size, including the equipment needed for a sound system and accessories required by game consoles. A media wall is a great way to hide these items when they are not being used. It can have built-in doors, or any other method of hiding the tech.

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Key considerations for media walls

There are some important rules that you should follow when building a media wall:

  • Ideal Viewing Distance: The ideal viewing distance should be twice the size of your TV. If you have a TV that is 45 inches wide, place your sofa at 90 inches.
  • Sound quality: While freestanding speakers provide better sound than sound bars, they require more space. This is especially true when adding a subwoofer.
  • Positioning Your TV At Eye Level: Place your TV at eye-level when you are seated. This will help to prevent neck strain and provide a clear image. Avoid mounting the TV too high.
  • Futureproof: Make sure there are enough sockets, ethernet points and other technology to meet future needs. Updating the wall after it has been installed and decorated can be difficult.

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Media Wall Ideas

We can now discuss the best options to create an inspirational experience.

  1. Fireplace Media Wall

A TV placed above a fireplace can be a stylish and popular choice for homeowners. This contemporary twist features a TV and a fireplace that is often recessed to show firewood.

The bold colour of blue is often paired with a TV wall unit. A built-in electric fire is a great choice for homeowners who are looking to combine modern aesthetics and the latest technology.

Combining it with an ultra-modern flat-panel TV will complete the accent wall, and create the perfect aura in the room. For the best picture for your TV, consider the benefits of TV aerial installation Gloucester from https://steveunettaerials.co.uk/

  1. Wooden Feature Wall

Wood can be used to create a beautiful backdrop for your TV. Wooden features on the wall add a touch of warmth and charm to any room.

If you choose a TV, make sure it’s proportional to the area of your feature wall. Wi-Fi enabled TVs are often the only ones that require more cables. Consider a recessed box to tidy up the cables behind your TV. For additional cables such as HDMI, you can also consider wall trunking.

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