What to know about fatbergs

A fatberg is a congealed mass of oils, fats, grease, and non-biodegradable waste, such as wet wipes, which forms in sewers. They are extremely hard to remove and hazardous as they cause blockages and overflowing pipes and damage to sewer systems. Removal is costly and often time-consuming.

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The biggest fatberg ever

The largest ever fatberg, nicknamed “Fatty McFatberg”, was discovered in London in 2017 . Measuring 250 metres long and weighing 130 tonnes, it made headlines around the world, as it highlighted the consequences of improper waste disposal.

Found beneath Whitechapel, it posed a significant risk to the infrastructure and took weeks to remove. Skilled workers equipped with high-pressure water jets and other specialised equipment had to carefully break down the mass to prevent further damage to the sewer system.

Responsible Waste Disposal

The incident in London serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible waste management and the potential consequences of disposing of fats and non-flushable items down drains and sinks.

As well as educating individuals about proper waste disposal practices, it also highlighted the environmental impact of fatbergs.

How to identify a blocked drain

A blocked drain can be identified through several telltale signs. These include slow drainage, gurgling sounds and unpleasant odours. Water also tends to back up, sometimes leading to visible water pooling around the drain.

If you notice any of these indicators, it’s likely that you have a blocked drain that requires attention.

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CCTV drainage surveys Kingsbury

If you suspect a blocked drain, it is important to ask a professional company to take a look at it as soon as possible. A CCTV drainage survey can quickly identify any problems, whether this is a blockage or a broken or collapsed pipe. More information can be found at www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/drainage-services-cctv-surveys-midlands/drain-jetting/drain-jetting-kingsbury.

Getting a blocked drain fixed quickly is necessary to prevent further complications such as water and property damage, foul odours and sewage spillage, all of which can be costly to repair and time-consuming. Also seek professional advice from a reputable company, who will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

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