Would you live in this concrete desert home?

In the heart of the Californian desert, a striking concrete slab stands out as one of the world’s most unusual residences. Listed for $2.4 million, this unique dwelling, known as The Concrete Home, offers a blend of modern architectural prowess and serene solitude, making it a compelling option for those seeking an extraordinary living experience.

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Minimalist Design

Designed by the celebrated architect Charles Martin, The Concrete Home is a masterpiece of minimalist design. It contains just one bedroom, yet it features master-crafted details throughout its loft-like space. Expansive windows and a viewing platform provide an unparalleled view, making the vast, lonely desert of California feel both grand and intimate at the same time. Situated on 2.5 acres of rocky ground, The Concrete Home offers stunning views of mountains to the south and the city to the east. To find out more about Charles Martin’s creation, visit this website.

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Celebrities’ Retreat

Located in Mountain Center, The Concrete Home offers a unique vantage point for stargazing. The property includes a viewing deck specifically for observing the Milky Way over the desert. This area was once a retreat for celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, John F. Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor, and Richard Burton. Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin also had homes here, appreciating the peace and solitude away from the bustling Los Angeles showbiz scene.

The home’s design is characterised by its hefty, soaring concrete walls, cathedral-height ceilings, shimmering glass sliding doors, and exposed beams. Despite its seemingly rugged exterior, the interior is meticulously crafted, offering 1375 square feet of living space designed for ultimate tranquillity.

The house’s construction features poured-in-place concrete, fitting in with the rough terrain. It also includes walls with thermal breaks, double glazing, and high-tech Tesla solar panels, making it as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing. If you are interested in concrete Tewkesbury, contact a trusted supplier, such as https://www.monstermixconcrete.co.uk/concrete-tewkesbury, for more information.

Would you embrace the solitude and stark beauty of this concrete desert home? With its blend of modern design, historical allure, and unparalleled views, it certainly offers a living experience unlike any other.

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