Why you should have your boiler serviced regularly

Your boiler is a key part of your home. A measure that is recommended is to have your boiler serviced by a professional at regular intervals, so let’s take a look at the reasons for this.

There are several key benefits to having a regular boiler service:


Perhaps the major reason for having a regular boiler service is safety. A regular service ensures the boiler is venting properly, burning fuel correctly, and not exposing anyone to harmful gases such as carbon monoxide

Prevent breakdowns

Unexpected boiler breakdowns can be expensive and inconvenient. A regular service helps to spot and address minor issues before they become major ones, thus preventing breakdowns.

Maintain efficiency

An inefficient boiler can result in higher energy bills. A regular service will ensure it is working efficiently and uses less fuel.

Prolong lifespan

In addition to ensuring efficiency, a regular boiler service will help you to increase the lifespan of your boiler. This can also mean the boiler will need replacing less frequently.

Cheltenham boiler service

If you are looking for someone to undertake a boiler service for you, there are a number of companies in the Cheltenham area that can help. Many of these, such as https://www.combi-man.com/, have useful online resources for your perusal.

What does a boiler service entail?

The specifics depend on who undertakes it, but most boiler services will include:

– A visual inspection to check the boiler/key components for any signs of damage.
– A performance test to make sure the boiler is working safely and efficiently.
– The removal of any dirt/debris/detritus that may have built up.
– A safety check to make sure any safety features are working correctly.
– A closer look at the key components, such as the burner, heat exchanger, and spark electrodes.
– A ventilation check to ensure all the ventilation passages are unobstructed.

At the end of the service, the engineer will let you know whether any parts need to be replaced. They should also make sure the boiler is working before they leave.

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