
Facebook is testing Facebook Stories also in its main application

We are in 2017 and that means one thing: all Facebook application needs to have a function Stories to Snapchat. For now the company Zuckerberg had not hesitated to create a thousand and one separate tests in test applications (Instagram Bolt, Flash …) and communication applications, but so far had not played much the main application of Facebook. Until now …

The stories of Facebook, which receive the name foreseeable Facebook Stories are now available as evidence in Ireland as reported by Business Insider, but will be extended to other territories in the coming months. The operation is quite similar to what we have seen in other applications, especially on Instagram.

Image Source: Google Image

This is how it works

Facebook has not officially launched the Facebook Stories, but the fact that they have a video presentation ready and gives us an idea that this is not a test throwaway, but something far more serious. The video is not available on the official channels and has been deleted from its official location on YouTube, but you can keep watching the copy they have collected in TheNextWeb.

You probably have had a very strong deja-vù with regard to the Instagram Stories, and its implementation and design is practically identical. At the top of the Facebook application, shown circles with photos of your contacts who have created a story, and you can also add content to your own.

The stories themselves are made up of photos and videos that rendered 3D masks and effects are integrated MSQRD, which Facebook acquired. It is possible to comment on publications, on the other hand are only available for 24 hours.

You may also like to read another article on FreshLookApp: Facebook presents Messenger Lite, the light version of its messaging application

The circle closes

From 2016 until today Facebook is in a battle of harassment and demolition against Snapchat, and the circle begins to close now that the company of Zuckerberg can affirm that it has included the “histories” in all its applications habida and to have. Here is the summary:

  • Instagram has Instagram Stories since August last year.
  • Facebook Messenger introduced Messenger Day with his new camera, which is basically the same as the stories late last year.
  • WhatsApp is polishing their new states which act like stories and probably we’ll see this year.
  • Facebook is testing the Facebook Stories in Ireland, and are likely to spread to the rest of the world during the year.

So, use what you use, if it is from Facebook, you will have the possibility to see and create this type of visual and outdated content. This type of content is also only available through official applications, so that can be a way to attract users to its official application.

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