
How to send GIFs by WhatsApp

The ability to send GIFs WhatsApp our contacts was one of the demands of many users. The rivals of the app, as Telegram, allowing send images are already moving in a while, which has led many to arise it is to jump into an alternative.

However, today we can finally say that WhatsApp lets you send GIFs to our contacts (Tremble group chats), although in a somewhat particular moment. In the latest beta of the Android app, we can record a video or take a video from our gallery and send it as a GIF, so that we can send all those kittens GIFs that populate the Internet will have to wait. Here we explain how to start sending GIFs in WhatsApp.

Image Source: Google Image

Comes the battle of the GIFs to WhatsApp, although currently in a limited way. The first thing is to send GIFs install the latest beta version of the app, since the version that includes this possibility is not yet in the app stores. We will have to download the APK from the page WhatsApp and once downloaded and installed just have to follow a few simple steps:

  • Press the button on the clip (attached) and choose camera.
  • Choose the option to record video.
  • Record a video and accept the recording after completion.
  • Trim the video until the upper right corner out a button of a camera.
  • Pressed that button will another GIF button, which we do not push, because that means that the video will be sent as a GIF.
  • Send the converted video in GIF.

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The same can be done with a video gallery we have in our phone, using the same steps but turning to the gallery in the first. The important nuance is that what we have seen, the GIF has limited duration about 6-7 seconds, if the video is longer will be sent as a video. After sending the GIF to our contact or group it is automatically played. The funny thing is that GIF playback does not stop at any moment, so we will see in constant motion until it disappears from your screen.

Hopefully in the next update GIFs reach the full WhatsApp, not only for us to send recorded videos. In fact, we know that we can explore the wide range of GIFs of Giphy from the same WhatsApp via a search engine to send GIFs of the famous page.

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