4 important factors to secure cryptocurrency

With the increasing rate of cryptocurrency investors, heists and hackers are also increasing. It is becoming more facile to hack digital money or connect the digital wallet to the internet during an online purchase—no offence to state that the entire digital currency exchanger embassies had been going through malevolent hacks. Remember that hacking can be done from anywhere even from digital wallets.

It happens because a cryptocurrency system has been conducted through a blockchain technology that is a public ledger and has been used on a larger scale. However, there is an excellent network to manage and maintain the blockchain system and succeed in decreasing hacking chances. Hackers can steal a few coins, but the entire bitcoin network cannot be stolen.

Let’s discuss the four critical factors to secure cryptocurrency.

1.     Use Cold Wallets

It would be fruitful to know that two types of wallets can be used to store your investment. The hot wallet is often known as a custodial wallet, and the cold one is also called a non-custodial one. These wallets include private keys to your digital funding, just like your bank account codes.

The hot wallets permit third party involvement in your digital funds, i.e. Gemini and Coinbase that is risky to trust. If you buy bitcoin from Gemini, they will have a hold on your coins until you withdraw them. The cold wallet is self-owned. There is no intervention of any other exchanger in your funds. All the keys and coins are owned by you. But here, you must remember all the keys and privacy of your wallet because there is no turn-back once you forget your keys or passwords.

Experts recommend choosing a cold wallet to secure your cryptocurrency from heists. Visit now bitcoin investing to get access to the site offering cold wallet.

2.     Avoid digital Currency exchangers

There are a lot of digital sites offering you to buy bitcoin through them that requires you to open a web browser and continue the process. Unfortunately, crypto experts have recommended neglecting that way to purchase coins for two reasons, i.e. in case the targeted site may hack, you will lose all your investment with no chance to get them back. These sites don’t offer cold wallets, and if they fold exchange, there will be no chance to recover your funds. However, this is an unsafe method to apply for cryptocurrency.

3.     Change your passwords regularly.

Since the passwords are critical to be determined when talking about security, to save your crypto wallet, you are just not required to create complex and vigorous passwords, but you need to change them regularly. According to the research, more than ten devices or apps have been using the same password in the U.S. Few use a repeated password on more than 50 locations. The password should be strong. Rigid and hard to guess. Additionally, if you are using more than one wallet, use different passwords for each of them. Additionally, it is recommended to have multiple wallets and distribute your investment among them. If you lose any of them, you will keep the other wallets secured.

4.     Be careful from phishing.

You may get emails, ads, or pop-up links from malicious sites that will offer you the best cryptocurrency and ask you to log in or share your personal information. They are scams and are involved in fraudulent activities. It’s better to evade such suspicious or unknown links. According to the study, there was a malicious group in cryptocurrency hacking. This group targeted the well-known digital currency exchangers and in their spear-phishing campaigns. The targeted company was originated from the Japan and U.S. The hackers looted $200 million in two years. They snatch data and get excess through the email of the employees of currency exchanger companies. Findings state that the hacking came into existence by using fake domains and by inserting spiteful links to email documents.


All the above methods and tips are contemporary. The cryptocurrency is evolving so fast and occurring continuous changes in all the orders. If you seriously want to protect your cryptocurrency, you should be responsible enough to handle them on your own. Be up to date with the advancements of blockchain and its security. Every single thing matters a lot.

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