Facebook conversions

6 tactics to increase your Facebook conversions and not blame yourself for not getting it!

If you use social media in your business, it’s certainly not new to you how incredibly hard it can be to get Facebook conversions.

Surely on more than one occasion you’ve been thinking about this: you have a high engagement rate, a proven content strategy, advertising budget, a loyal fan base (in general terms) and, even so, sometimes it’s as if they turned their backs on you and you have no idea why it happens to you.

Before you start taking things personally, you feel terrible, no one listens to you and you wonder why you care so much, maybe there is a very simple reason why all this is happening.

Your fans are human and, as we know, human reactions are affected by many external factors.

Do not carry all the blame and keep reading to find out some of the reasons why you are not getting all the conversions on Facebook that you would like.

Increase your Facebook conversions with Behavioral Marketing

As in life itself, what works one day may not work the next. And what works for a company may not work for its competition.

Even so, there are some behavior patterns that are common throughout the world, and using them could help you increase the engagement of your content and, by extension, Facebook conversions.

Next I’ll give you 6 hacks that will make your followers pay more attention to your content. Combine them and you will see how your Facebook conversions increase.

Facebook conversions

#1. Include people in your images

One of the main reasons why people use social media is that they can socialize with their family and friends. Although they follow brands and pages, nothing bothers them more the curiosity that the photo of the newborn son of a friend or his last vacations.

Social media is about people and, as such, the more human factor you can show in your company, the better Facebook performance.

It is logical, then, that ‘people’ is one of the 7 p’s of the expanded Marketing Mix.

Publications that include images of people generally attract more attention than those that do not have any human component.

But do not think that because you include a person in a photo you can forget about the rest. This is only the first step, because a face only serves to capture the user’s attention in an instant. After that, as in a reflex act, he will decide if that image deserves more attention.

The entire process of judging, ignoring or feeling interest and continuing to navigate happens in a matter of milliseconds (that is what makes us humans with discretion!).

Therefore, how to add people in your visual content so that users continue to be interested and thus increase your conversions on Facebook?

  • It shows recognizable faces: We generally interact with others by looking at them in the face. A full-body image is not a bad idea if the context requires it; however, profile images are more effective in capturing attention.
  • Add emotions in the face of the person: Needless to say, positive emotions are generally more effective in attracting attention. Even so, depending on the context, you may also want to show other feelings. For example: a sad face can produce empathy in many of the users.
  • Fit the social profiles: Showing people with whom users can relate is another very good way to maintain engagement. If your target audience is single mothers who are going through an economically complicated time, showing them a wealthy woman driving an expensive car may not be a good idea, even if the content of your publication is interesting.
  • It uses a context: Showing faces is good, but people who appear in your image must do so in a context that relates to your content. If it’s just a few happy faces, users may be glad when they see your post, but they will probably ignore your message.

#2. Point to the call to action button

The buttons call to action are another effective way to increase your CTR and used correctly, your conversions also on Facebook. For some reason, it seems that users react when they are told what to do.

Even so, Facebook’s call-to-action buttons are not very attractive (a boring rectangle with a predefined text and without the possibility of customizing them).

Therefore, making them stand out is a good tactic to increase Facebook conversions.

Although adding an arrow seems most obvious to point to something, there are other creative ways to achieve the same effect …

  • Use a person’s hand as a pointer.
  • Includes a list by points somewhere visible near the call to action button.
  • Locate the main element of the image in the lower right corner, near the call to action button.

As a general rule, the key to increasing your CTR is to direct the attention of the users towards the lower right corner of the link of your image, because that is where the call to action is.

Facebook conversions

# 3. Use hyper segmentation in your ads

It is no secret that retargeting is one of the most effective advertising strategies in online ads: users already know the brand, so their attention is already directed towards them and it is easier to get Facebook conversions.

Unfortunately, many companies use retargeting without a defined objective, showing any type of content to anyone who has visited their website, without differentiating between user profiles, interests and behaviors. Big advertising error!

Facebook retargeting is a very powerful tool that allows you to reach hyperselemented audiences, therefore, take advantage of trying to create a ‘wow’ effect that generates curiosity and makes users click on your ads.

If you’re planning to hire a social media agency in UK, ensure that they are providing their own services. That means many agencies outsource their work from a third party. So, you must be careful about it.

Some of the best ways to get this hyper segmented audience with Facebook Ads are the following …

  • Excludes public: Use this option to eliminate users who have already converted from your target.
  • Show content that you already know: Showing images of the pages you have already visited – instead of creating a generic ad – will surely attract your attention and increase your chances of getting more conversions on Facebook.
  • It combines advanced targeting and behaviors: Did you know that you can go to users who are going to turn years soon, people who usually change their location on a regular basis, recent relationships …? Combine this advanced demography with retargeting and you’ll get a ‘wow’ effect on your audience.

#4. Change the header of a link

The first thing users see when they see a link on their Facebook Home page is their image.

The second thing they notice is the header that is below the image.

When we surf online, our eyes move from top to bottom. What’s more, the bigger and more bold, the better.

When you post a link, Facebook will use the title assigned to the landing page as the header of that link. However, it can happen that the header you use does not hook anything.

Facebook now allows you to change these headers directly from the timeline of your page.

However, you can also do it easily in 2 ways …

  • If you publish the link using Power Editor.
  • Using third-party tools.

Replacing a boring header with one that engages is another incredible way to increase conversions on Facebook.

Facebook conversions

#5. Reach more people with Hashtags

At first the Facebook rules on the hashtags were not very clear, which resulted in them becoming basically useless. But the situation has now changed and users can search for specific content using hashtags.

If used correctly, hashtags can be very effective in directing traffic to your content. And the more traffic you get, the better chances of increasing your Facebook conversions, so including a few hashtags in your posts is a good way to get more people actively watching your content.

When you do it this way, follow these steps …

  • Do not use too many hashtags: If you do so, those who use the Facebook search tool may perceive your posts as spam or confusing, and consequently ignore them.
  • They must be related to your content: Using Trending Topics that are not related to your content can place your posts in front of many users who will simply ignore them.
  • Make them short and simple: Try to think how users see certain content. Using complete phrases like hashtags can be fun for you, but maybe it does not work for everyone.

#6. Highlight positive words

Users are more likely to click on your links and convert to your goals when they are in a positive state of mind.

This is relatively easy to achieve when you use images, but as we have said before, images are not the only thing that users will look at.

If an image captures your attention they will probably stop and read your publication; therefore, to maximize your conversions on Facebook you must create positive content.

The best way to do this is by highlighting the words that convey positivity.

Some tips to do it …

  • The publication starts in positive. For example: ‘Thank you’, ‘We are very happy’, ‘A great idea’, etc.
  • Capitalize positive words. For example: ‘We are very happy to share with you …’
  • If you use text as part of an image, change the color or font of the word you want to highlight.
  • Use positive words in the link headers too.


Understanding the behavior of users is crucial when you create a good content strategy that takes into account not only what content is optimal for your target audience, but also when and how it should be published.

But remember, user reactions are not always predictable. Finding what works best for your target audience is a key factor in increasing your Facebook conversions.

What other techniques do you use to capture the attention of your audience and increase your Facebook conversions? Let’s see it in the comments below!

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