Ransomware Attacks

6 Tips To Protect Your IT Company From Ransomware Attacks

Also known as a digital hijacker, ransomware attacks can do great harm. Discover how to protect your business data.

Over the past year some websites have reported on the risks and losses caused by ransomware attacks, ranging from individuals to large corporations.

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a malicious code that blocks or restricts access to an electronic device, whether it is a computer, server, or mobile device, and usually uses encryption to do so. Even if the user pays for the redemption, usually in bitcoins, there is no guarantee on the return of their data.

However, there are ways forward to ensure your IT company’s integrity against this type of cyber-attack and improve Information Security of the enterprise.

6 tips to protect your IT company from ransomware attacks

Ransomware Attacks

1st tip: Back up 3-2-1, for a really effective backup

Increase protection over your data by storing it on external disks with encryption, regardless of the size of your business, small or large. If your network is invaded or damaged by viruses, this method will rid your company of delays and losses.

The backup 3-2-1 is to maintain at least three copies of the data. Apply as follows …

  • Store two copies on two devices with different types of storage, such as internal disks and removable media;
  • The third copy should not be stored on a physical medium, and backup in the cloud is one of the most advisable alternatives.

By increasing the number of copies of your data, you reduce the risk of losing them during attacks such as ransomware. To have a 3-2-1 backup, your IT company can use the SureBackup feature provided by Veeam.

2nd tip: Use a powerful antivirus to combat ransomware attacks

To combat this type of cybercrime you need a powerful antivirus and high quality. Specialized in cybersecurity, Trend Micro and Kaspersky Lab are some of the companies that provide protection for this purpose. The mobile environment should also be considered since it is equally prone to risk and fraud.

Therefore, it is strongly advised to install and update antivirus, not only on desktop computers and notebooks, but also on mobile gadgets. Adopt this custom on your tablet and smartphone so that these devices continue to offer more mobility at work without compromising data security.

3rd tip: Keep windows update up to date and avoid ransomware on your computer

Another way to protect your computer from ransomware attack is by installing the Windows Update security updates. These updates are called the MS17-010 security patch.

4th tip: Establish an information security policy

Make it clear to the employees of your IT company what is allowed to do on the corporate network and what is prohibited. This is a simple way to strengthen the Information Security policy.

PwC’s 2017 Global Information Security Survey has consulted more than 10,000 IT executives on information security and privacy practices. The analysis shows that, while digital advancement brings benefits, it requires an increase in agility in the same proportion …

  • 59% of companies present impacts of digital advances in security investments;
  • 63% of corporations run cloud IT operations and 34% use this route to customer service;
  • 62% practice cybersecurity and privacy management;
  • 57% use biometrics as their authentication method;
  • 49% of companies using open source software have seen improvements in cyber security.

5th tip: Empower your team and be careful about your personal data

Invest in the training of employees who will be on the front line, that is, they need to be updated on the best practices and information security policies.

If a “bank” asks you for sensitive information from your company by email or by phone, you and your staff can be financially and emotionally hurt. Watch out! Every employee should take extreme care with personal data that can act as gateways to possible fraud.

6th tip: Periodic checkup

A periodic check-up is essential to maintain the well-being of your IT company. Use advanced technology that performs an efficient analysis that indicates the vulnerable areas of your corporation by automating and monitoring that process. Do not invest only in your IT asset. Anticipate possible attacks from the digital world.

Do not wait for ransomware attacks to arrive to fight it

Make sure the protection programs you use are up-to-date and are actually prepared to block ransomware. Worry about efficient protection with regard to password management, anti-ransomware and anti-malware.

Extend the organization of information through data usage policies and adopt a tool that allows or blocks access to sensitive data to certain collaborators.

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