How to safely clean ears

Ear wax is secreted by the ears as a means of protecting the ear canal. It provides lubrication, assists with self-cleaning, and acts as a defence against bacteria, germs, and water. Ear wax usually falls out on its own; however, it can occasionally lead to an excessive build-up, so let’s look at how ears can be cleaned safely.

Symptoms of excessive build-up can include pain, hearing loss, dizziness, vertigo, and tinnitus. Ears should be cleaned of build-up regularly.

Specialist cleaning

The safest and most effective means of cleaning ears is by visiting a doctor or a specialist. They not only have a range of tools and instruments designed to clean ears safely but also expert knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the ear. This means ears can be cleaned without the risk of damage or further issues.

Home cleaning

There are some simple methods that can be tried at home:

Cotton swabs or damp washcloths should only be used on the outside of the ear to prevent pushing wax and debris further into the ear canal.

There are a variety of over-the-counter ear drops available. These are designed to soften the wax so that it can be rinsed out easily. These drops may contain saline, olive oil, peroxide, or baby oil.

A bulb syringe filled with saline can also be used to irrigate the ears. This method is more effective if measures have been taken to help soften wax before use.

Ear clinics

Help for all aspects of ear health, such as Newport hearing test services, hearing aid services, and wax removal, can be sought at a convenient one-stop ear clinic. Clinics such as > offer a wide range of services specific to ear health, all delivered by expert audiologists. An audiologist is a specialist in diagnosing and treating balance and hearing disorders.

The ear is an extremely complex organ. It is not only responsible for hearing but also assisting with balance; for example, it is responsible for our ability to walk. Professional advice should always be sought when you are concerned about an ear issue.