Easily manage your projects with Redmine

Redmine is an application designed to perform real-time monitoring activities to view, manage and verify up to huge quantities of activities and projects that can be shared or not with a large number of users.

A tool that is increasingly being defined as an ideal solution to manage and keep under control activities and projects among collaborators of the same company. In fact, Redmine is a tool very often used by company administrators to coordinate projects that can be shared with one or more users with greater efficiency and short timescales.

In particular, Redmine seems to have solved many of the organizational problems of companies and work teams who, daily or occasionally, find themselves carrying out their work remotely. You can assign specific activities and projects to specific users, attach files and documents of any type, enter data and information respectively for each project, as well as much more: they are all remarkably simple and quick actions sorted by using Redmine themes.

Redmine task manager, not only provides communication and collaboration activities between directors and employees, but also among the employees themselves. This collaboration correlated with information, data, links, documentation and pertinent files makes the planning and management of an entire project much more functional and productive, greatly reducing the time required for carrying out the work and avoiding any errors deriving from processes that are more communicative and complexes.

What are the advantages using Redmine?

Developed in 2006, Redmine is today the most widely used open source software for planning and managing projects. This success is dictated not only by the fact that it is a free tool and widely supported by its official development team and by a large community of volunteer developers, as well as by its usefulness and ease of use.

Start, plan and monitor projects, assign and coordinate tasks and activities, manage implementation times and budgets for each individual project, administer cash flows and billing activities: these are just some of the many Redmine features and more activities possible through the use of Redmine.

Indeed, the characteristics and functionalities of use of Redmine result in a heterogeneous use and a wide and diversified range of use: from small businesses to large companies, from municipal organizations to non-governmental organizations.

Such a wide and heterogeneous use is the main purpose of Redmine, that is to generate, through certain functionalities, the possibility of cooperating quickly and easily with teams and business partners, with customers and possibly even with third parties.

Potential and advantages deriving from the use of Redmine are …

  • Smooth and effective communication between the various team members and between team members and third parties;
  • The simple and intuitive management of tasks and projects;
  • Coordination of projects and sub-projects with relative priorities and deadlines for delivery;
  • Flexible role-based access administration;
  • The functionality of Gantt’s calendar and diagrams in order to support activities and projects through visual representation;
  • The possibility of grouping and tracing problems and reports for each project;
  • The customization of projects or reports (tickets) relating to the categories they belong to;
  • The ability to set delivery priorities and progress for each individual project.

All this is made even easier thanks to a feature such as e-mail notification. This function allows you to send an automatic and highly customizable notification in the event of changes made regarding the activity status of each individual project in order to update all the team members concerned in real time.

As for the administration of roles, Redmine offers the possibility to manage projects in relation to the permits granted to the various collaborators. In this way, each user will have access to certain projects in which the user will play a certain role.

For user management, the presence of a user list is also provided, which allows you to view and edit all the information relating to each individual user. Just as each project can be public or private depending on the visibility that it is intended to confer.

Redmine represents a software for the management and planning of simple, complete and effective projects thanks to the presence of wikis and forums to support each individual project.

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