
Can a browser bend your battery autonomy? In Opera they believe yes

The browser is usually the most commonly used OS users desktop application, so take advantage of that fact to try to squeeze the battery of our laptops is an ingenious idea. And it seems that engineers Opera has found it.

A new edition of its browser developer manages to offer 50% more capacity in portable compared to Google Chrome, which according to officials of Opera may mean that depending on your hardware- Loggers several hours’ browser usage before reloading equipment.

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Up to 50% more battery

The new built – in browser technology takes into account several sections to achieve that improving energy efficiency. Among them is responsible for reducing the activity of browser tabs that are in the background, “wakes up” the CPU less frequently to synchronize with the execution of scripts in JavaScript, pauses in the execution of plug-ins that do not We use and also reduces the frame rate to 30 fps.

To achieve these improvements Opera engineers conducted a study of telemetry with Catapult, a framework that can be used in Chrome and Opera and assesses among other things how many milliwatts time consumed in the browser in every situation. That led them to detect where more battery is consumed, and the result was remarkable.

In fact the promise of Opera is that in this version of Opera developers can get up to 50% more battery than if we were using Google Chrome on a laptop based on 64 – bit Windows 10. The tests were performed on a Lenovo X250 with a Core i7-5600U, 16 GB of RAM, and a Dell XPS 13 with 16 GB of RAM.

You may also like to read another article on FreshLookApp: Yes, I still use Opera as only browser

Blocking advertising could significantly influence

We can activate this option in the browser whenever we want, but if we do not and we are with laptop without power connection the browser we recommend activating when the battery is 20%. One of the elements that appear to be part thereby saving battery is the activation of an ad blocker, and would have to see whether the use of extensions of this type in the browser that compares (Chrome) yields data equally attractions.

Probably not, because it effectively ad blockers not only block advertising and all data that implies, but many also avoid executing scripts of all kinds that also influence the autonomy of the team.

In this version developers have also made a significant change more: now integrating its VPN which actually is a proxy – is part of the private browsing, and always have the reach that option in this type of instance of the browser, but not when we open a “normal” browser window. Visit http://wordgrill.com/ for more ideas.

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