The Future of SEO for Construction Companies

The Future of SEO for Construction Companies

Search engine optimization (SEO) moves fast, and if you own or work for a construction company, it can be tough to keep up. As we move into 2023 and beyond, the ways customers search for services will continue to change. Companies that don’t adapt their SEO for construction companies will get left behind.

I’ve worked in construction marketing for over a decade, helping companies across North America improve their online visibility. I’ll share my insights on the future of SEO for construction brands and tips you can use to prepare. Let’s get started!

How Have Search Trends for Construction Services Changed Already?

How Have Search Trends for Construction Services Changed Already?

Before we jump into the future, we need to understand how search behavior has already shifted. The year 2022 brought massive changes for construction SEO.

As I’m sure you noticed, more people now start their searches on Google instead of asking around for recommendations. Some statistics:

  • 85% of adults use search engines to find local businesses. Only 15% ask friends and family first.
  • “Best home builders near me” grew by 350% as a search term from 2020-2022.
  • 78% of searches for contractors now happen on mobile devices rather than desktops.

It’s clear people want on-demand answers delivered straight to their smartphones. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly in 2023, you’ll miss out on business.

My point is search behavior is radically different today compared to even 3-5 years ago. Construction SEO strategies that worked in the past are now outdated. Businesses need to look to the future.

How Will Construction SEO Change Moving Forward?

Industry experts expect even more seismic shifts in local search ahead. As a construction marketing specialist, I predict three major trends:

More Search Engine Features That Impact Rankings

Google is always adding new types of listings, layouts, and functionality. Some examples you may have noticed:

  • Featured snippets that show a site’s description prominently at the top
  • Knowledge panels on the right side that aggregate data like hours and maps
  • Automated messaging that lets users ask Google questions to find businesses

Expect more innovations like these that change SEO strategies. I tell my contractor clients not to obsess over rankings, because Google will keep releasing new formats that can instantly shuffle the search results.

For instance, suppose they add reviews and ratings directly in the map pack. In that case, your focus might shift from traditional SEO to reputation management.

The work never ends to rank well as an industry Disruptor like Google releases better tools for their users!

More Ways to Stand Out As Unique With Content

SEO has always been about quality and uniqueness, but soon that will go into overdrive. With so much competition to rank locally, construction brands will need creative content to get noticed.

Rather than targeting informational keywords like “kitchen remodel costs,” you’ll want to tap into search intent with compelling content like:

  • Videos tours of impressive projects
  • Calculators and quizzes for the planning stage
  • Hyperlocal articles that captivate readers

Machine learning is making it easier for Google to analyze content and determine the sites that demonstrate authority on a topic. So more than ever before, the quality of your website copy will impact performance.

Don’t settle for bland descriptions of services or capabilities. Share your experience and expertise with content made for humans, not search engines!

Optimizing For Voice Search Queries

One of my 2023 predictions is that a quarter of searches will happen via voice instead of typing. Smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home already make hands-free queries commonplace.

With voice, searches sound different than what users typically type into the search bar. You’ll want to adjust your site’s content accordingly by…

  • Using natural language and conversational tone
  • Including relevant long-tail keyword phrases
  • Answering commonly asked question formats

Let’s say a potential customer asks their smart speaker, “Who are the top rated home builders near me with five star reviews?”

For a question like that, my agency would optimize a page to organically include phrases like “top-rated home builders near me” while making sure positive reviews are prominent.

Voice SEO comes down to understanding user intent and providing the right answers.

How Should Construction Companies Adapt Their SEO?

By now it should be clear that SEO for the construction space is undergoing big changes. Here are my main recommendations on how brands can start preparing:

Assign SEO Ownership To Someone With Digital Marketing Expertise

With search algorithms and best practices constantly shifting, you need an in-house expert focused on your SEO strategy. Construction is a unique industry that requires specialized knowledge compared to standard local service businesses.

Designate someone passionate about staying on the cutting edge of optimization best practices. They don’t necessarily need a big title or only focus on SEO. For smaller companies, have your marketing manager spearhead it while juggling other initiatives.

The point is, don’t leave SEO completely in the hands of your webmaster or IT person. Digital visibility is enormously important, so give someone ownership of improving it.

Create Optimized Content That Captures Searcher Intent

As I covered earlier, high-quality website content will become more vital for driving relevant organic traffic as AI advances. You need to capture the searcher’s intent, not just target keywords.

Analyze metrics like click-through-rate on titles and measure dwell time per page. These indicate whether your content is resonating. Optimizing solely for rankings will leave opportunities on the table.

Improve Site Architecture With Customer Journeys In Mind

Take a hard look at your site navigation and structure. Do they align with different buyer journeys, guiding visitors toward calls-to-action based on their needs?

For example, someone searching for kitchen countertop ideas is at the inspiration stage. Your site design should lead them to photos, galleries, material options – not book a consultation.

Meanwhile, someone searching “kitchen renovation contractors near me” is further down the journey toward becoming a lead. Make sure your site architecture gets them to contact forms smoothly.

Embrace Mobile-First Indexing

This one is simple. Google is shifting to mobile-first indexing, meaning the pages it includes in rankings will be based mainly on what it finds from a smartphone vs desktop.

Audit your site for mobile speed and use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly tool. You’ll likely need to simplify layouts while ensuring valuable content doesn’t get lost.

It’s no longer optional. A mobile-friendly site is necessary to compete.

Brainstorm Innovative Techniques Like Interactive Design

With more competition fighting for search real estate, construction brands should brainstorm creative SEO and content techniques that make them stand out.

For example, maybe you develop an interactive kitchen remodel visualizer that lets visitors toggle different cabinets, counters, appliances, backsplashes, etc. to view designer recommendations.

Tools like that provide value above-and-beyond a typical homepage. Plus, they tend to generate viral shares and links when done right, boosting organic traffic.

Don't Forget Traditional Marketing Too!

Don’t Forget Traditional Marketing Too!

As a final note, understand that SEO and digital outreach should complement traditional marketing. Use mailers, referrals, memberships, sponsorships, etc. to spread brand awareness too.

An omni-channel approach is always smartest, rather than relying completely on SEO and hoping for sustainable rankings. Diversify efforts for the best ROI.

Let’s Recap – The Construction SEO Road Ahead

The SEO for construction companies keeps evolving faster than ever before thanks to innovation from Google and shifts in customer search behavior. Construction companies that don’t adapt will miss out on business opportunities.

Based on the trends we covered, here are my key takeaways:

  • Assign someone to own your SEO strategy rather than leaving it to chance
  • Create content made for humans that answers searcher intent
  • Ensure site information architecture guides visitors smoothly
  • Embrace mobile optimization for indexing purposes
  • Explore innovative formats like calculators and visualizers
  • Maintain traditional marketing too for optimal results

It’s an exciting time to make a construction brand stand out digitally. I’m eager to help more companies succeed online by building effective foundations for long-term growth.

What questions do you still have about the future of SEO for contractors and home renovation services? Let’s keep the conversation going in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should we blog if we offer services locally?

Yes! Blogging is tremendously effective for SEO regardless of location targeting. Useful blog posts related to your services help establish expertise and authority. This improves relevance for ranking well. Plus, blogs boost site content that search engines include in their indexes. I recommend construction brands publish fresh blogs at least twice per month.

  • What’s better – to blog myself or outsource writers?

I suggest handling blogging internally whenever possible. No outsider will understand your brand voice, capabilities, projects, etc. as well as someone on your team. Write from first-hand experience about the work you complete. If bandwidth is limited, you can outsource writing, but be sure to give very specific guidelines to freelancers about topics and tone.

  • How much do links still matter for local results?

Links remain very influential on organic rankings. While much harder to acquire now, quality backlinks signal trust and authority to Google. I aim for each of my contractor clients to obtain guest posts and profile links from relevant industry websites. Don’t buy links or use shady tactics though, as Google punishes link schemes. Focus on organic earned links from genuine partnerships.

  • What should we do if our rankings drop unexpectedly?

Don’t panic if your rankings fluctuate or even plummet occasionally. Google updates its algorithm hundreds of times per year, which shifts results. Before taking drastic action, be patient for 2-4 weeks to see if positions recover. Check your technical SEO elements like site speed and mobile optimization. If rankings don’t rebound after a month, consult an SEO expert about tweaks to improve visibility again.

  • Is SEO something we can DIY in the construction space?

You can certainly handle SEO internally if you apply ongoing dedication to staying on top of best practices. Learn all you can about optimization for the construction industry, which has unique elements compared to typical local businesses. However, working with an expert SEO agency that specializes in contractor websites offers immense value. They shortcut the trial-and-error process to start seeing results much faster by creating tailored solutions for your brand. It comes down to bandwidth on your team’s part – if you’re committed to self-managing our SEO strategy long-term, go the DIY route. If you’d rather outsource so you can remain focused on core operations, hire help. Either way can work wonderfully if done right.

To wrap up

It’s an undeniable fact that SEO for construction companies continues evolving rapidly. Google’s innovation and shifts in customer search behavior require brands to remain adaptable with their marketing.

Companies who take initiative now to optimize their website (and overall digital presence) for the future will maintain an edge over the competition. Use this as motivation to build an effective digital foundation for long-term growth.

Hopefully the trends and suggestions covered today offer some guidance on where to focus next with your SEO strategy and content. Embark on your journey with SEO for HVAC beginners through our comprehensive guide, and by keeping the future in mind, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning brands can confidently make smart investments that will continue paying dividends for years to come in the form of quality traffic, leads, and sales.