Tag Archives: Google

Google presents Live Relay, a tool that allows you to answer calls to people who can not hear or speak

As it did in the opening speech of the Google I / O 2018, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, again insisted yesterday, during the keynote of Google I / O 2019, on the importance of guaranteeing the accessibility of technology with the In order to make life easier for all those who have some kind of disability. So, just as last year announced Lookout and a few months ago presented Live Transcribe and Sound Amplifier, Google is now working on Live Relay, a tool designed…

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Google Assistant

Google Assistant: Tips and tricks for beginners and experts

Now that Google Assistant is available on Android Lollipop or later smartphones, more and more users can benefit from its ability to improve everyday life. You can involve the Google Assistant using a conversational style, much more natural than using commands. These tips will help you enter the world of Google Assistant and make the most of your virtual helper’s potential.

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Blog Compass: This is the new app to manage WordPress or Blogger that Google is testing in India

Does anyone remember Blogger? Yes, it is Google’s platform to create your own blog. A tool that has been totally outdated and relegated to oblivion. However, social networks continue to have a lot of pull and it is strange that a company like Google so focused on information does not have a clear strategy in this sector. Today they present novelties, but as you can anticipate, it is not a revolution either. From India we present Blog Compass, a new Google application where we can…

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Google Wear OS

Google will start reviewing all apps for Wear OS uploaded to Google Play

After a period of uncertainty about the future of Android Wear, it seems that it is beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel since the project became Wear OS. Now Google has announced that it will review all apps that are published on Google Play intended for Wear OS. The objective is to increase the quality of the apps offered in the Google store for this type of devices, making sure that they meet a series of minimum requirements to guarantee that they will work correctly in…

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How to try AMP Stories? The new stories from Google

The stories that have popularized Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook are here to stay. They have become a new visual format for counting information, which above all is squeezing the media to tell news. And because the media like that way of telling the news, Google has not remained quiet and has presented its own open format to show stories: the new AMP Stories.

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Tez is Google’s new mobile payments app for India

Google launched Android Pay at the end of 2015 and its deployment is being rather slow. In Spain we welcomed him this summer, although at the moment Android Pay only works with a bank. While Android Pay is already in some regions of Europe, North America and Asia, the company has launched a new mobile payments app, its name is Tez and is currently exclusive to India.

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Google Android Applications

Google only wants quality apps on Android: This will penalize the bad applications

Of little use to Android or enhance the performance to deliver even faster and fluid applications if you then come to Google Play applications that devour the resources of our device, adversely affecting the image of the operating system. To finally avoid this problem, Google will force developers to improve the quality of their applications. Google does not want bad apps in its Play Store, only wants quality applications and to remove those “weeds” from your store will begin to penalize applications that do not…

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Allo, the app Google instant messaging integrated with artificial intelligence

Does anyone doubt that Google did not try to compete with WhatsApp sooner or later? Vale already have Hangouts, and although we have no data have active users as queen of this sector, it is likely that the app of the Mountain View not approach the number of users WhatsApp. To cope Google today announced Allo, another instant messaging app but with a twist. Besides all present in other apps, Allo such leave us change the size of messages to send up to create what…

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