Facebokk Ads

6 out of 10 companies will increase their ad spending on Facebook

Social networks are essential for businesses, and not just to distribute content organically, provide another means of communication to the customer or to present their latest developments, also to use them as an advertising channel more. And indeed, it is an upward channel, where many companies plan to increase investment this year. For more tech news visit http://spottingit.com/ It is one of the conclusions found in a new study published by RBC Capital Markets and Ad Age, where it is also revealed that 57% of companies…

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Protect your computer

Protect your computer completely free of charge

Users will not fail to discover how we can get more from Internet and at the same time, whenever we feel more comfortable in cyberspace. This really is excellent news because it reveals the one hand, the network of networks is contributing to equal opportunities more effectively than any other resource we have known, and secondly, that gradually is beginning to be part our everyday environment. Click http://rewardprice.com/ for more tech news

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Mobile brand strategy

Personalization rules that can save mobile brand strategy

In the market where brands move today, consumers not only have a name and an identity and not just the brands are able to know more and more about them, but also consumers increasingly expect to be able to treat them in a highly personal way. Email marketing that comes addressed to  already considered an error of bulk and generic messages or those who fail as consumer interests (for example, sending again and again advertise something the consumer has already purchased in the online shop in…

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Control your TV

Control your TV from your Android phone or tablet with these interesting applications

You’re sitting at home on the couch, blanket, popcorn, ready to watch your favorite series and suddenly you realize you do not have the remote control hand or this does not work for some reason. Alarms are on, but at the same time check as you have your Android hand. Also visit http://mydiscountmarket.com/ for more tech news. At this point in the absence of your remote control, the most practical and a solution that can get you from many troubles it is to use an application that allows you to transform your…

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GNOME 3.20

GNOME 3.20 will arrive within two weeks, these are the developments in their applications

It is expected that the final version of GNOME 3.20 is released within two weeks, and so few days of its release many of the applications that are implemented in the final stage of development of their latest versions. This means you have already stopped interface improvements, and will now begin to polish their stability.

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Messaging apps

Why media and brands are increasingly active in messaging apps?

Both brands and media are more interested in the world in which they move today to reach consumers and achieve connect with them. In a world further wherein there are more and more elements and which get their attention and get them to pay attention to what is being said is increasingly difficult, both as the other are always there and always trying to discover new tools allowing messages actually reach throwing receivers with those who want to connect.

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Profiles techie

Profiles ‘techie’, increasingly demanded in the marketing industry

One of the major points that brands need professionals with technological trajectories is in everything related to big data. One of the issues that have always been linked to the industry of advertising and marketing is creativity. If one wants to work in this industry you have to be very creative and must have a good imagination, a good ability to respond to unexpected situations and think ‘out of the box’ and a certain abilities in communication. If yours are the algorithms, the industry seemed to be…

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Like riding a drone yourself racing for little money

Drones are hot. The expectation that these devices rise among consumers continues to grow. We checked with our shopping guide drones, where I proposed seven models of drones to take seriously this new hobby. However, not all drones are equal. In this new shopping guide, we tell you everything you need to know about the competition drones and shopping list so you can buy and build your own model racing for less money than you think. Visit http://generationguy.com/ for more. How are racing drones? The idea is commonly Drone currently have is a device to fly and…

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Social Media

Social networks and positioning: Social Media Optimization, necessary or prudent?

There are many factors that influence the organic or natural positioning of a website and the first of all is content. Historically, relationships have helped us to sell, position our brands and achieve business expansion. Today social networks are not far from this concept with the difference that there are no boundaries to achieve this interpenetration between people.

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9 tricks and extensions to take full advantage of Feedly

On July 2, 2013, Google decided to close that for many was their RSS feed reader header: Google Reader. And with it, he created a little chaos on the Internet while some protesters, others tried to understand why that decision and all were looking for an alternative which continue informing our favorites RSS. Many ended up in Feedly, a feed reader with a visual aspect and shooting “online magazine” that Google Reader, and today, almost three years later, we can say that we have become accustomed to it. But that does not mean we can not improve it with some tricks and…

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